Yellow clingstone peaches or yellow freestone peaches?

We usually see “yellow cling peach in syrup” in the supermarket. Many people wonder what the clingstone peaches or freestone peaches are. The difference between the clingstone peach or freestone peach is in the stones of the peaches.

Peaches including yellow peaches have different types of stone such as clingstone, freestone or semi-freestone peaches. The freestone means that the stone of the yellow peach could be easily taken out. The stones of the freestone peaches are able to be removed just by hand. However, the clingstone peaches’ stones cling stubbornly to the flesh (mesocarp) of the peaches. It will take lots of time for you to remove the stone. The semi-freestone peaches are between the clingstone peach and freestone peach.

The freestone peaches are more convenient for us to cut or make canned yellow peaches at home. Many people prefer to buy fresh freestone peaches. The freestone peaches are a bit larger than clingstones, and they are firmer, too.

However, the clingstone peaches are juicy, sweet and soft. They are great for canning, preserves or desserts. You don’t worry about the dispose of the cling stone, Truston yellow peaches in syrup solve all the problems.


clingstone peaches


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